What is the internet?

The internet is the global system of computer networks, allowing end-users or their programs to exchange data regardless of which network they're connected to, according to the Internet Protocol. It is a telecommunications system, a conveyer or medium, for digital data that gets segmented in messages known as packets which gets transmitted from device to device (mainly routers and network switches) until it reaches the ultimate destination. The internet is in fact a network of networks, or Autonomous Systems, operated by various Internet Service Providers, datacentres (or server farms) and other organisations, co-ordinated by companies such as ICANN and IANA, whereas new standards or protocols are chiefly made or advocated by IETF and IEEE.

The world wide web (or WWW) is often confused for the internet, but is actually quite distinct. The web refers to interlinked websites, or interactive documents and other media, which is delivered over the internet. The internet is thus the messenger, or conveyer, that allows clients (browsers) to engage with servers and the websites that are hosted on them. The "internet" can mean the physical and electronic network, or the IP system, whereas the "web" really is a concept of the interlinked resources, mainly designed for human readers.

Last update on 2022-12-13 by DNC admin.

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