News Archive 2024
DNC moves to a new server
The website has migrated to a new server with a new OS, boosting performance as well as efficiency. Server upgrades are necessary for security and reliability reasons too.
While the new server uses dual SFP+ ports with the internet/public link at 25 Gbps (over copper DAC), the traffic rates are currently limited to 1 Gbps (minus 3+ Gbps download bursts).
Quora removed from recommended citations
Due to the declining quality of input, we can no longer recommend Quora. Any answers from there should be taken with a pinch-of-salt and independently verified. It's also increasingly subject to abuse, including propaganda.
With online anonymity and difficulty validating credentials, there is always a significant risk of poor information and abuse, but poorly moderated platforms are particularly prone, especially ones subject to bots and AI-powered algorithms that can easily be exploited. Even non-abused algorithms are prone to trivial errors, biases and easily confused.
A good rule-of-thumb is: question, think and verify elsewhere, then repeat as needed. Double-check facts even after reading DNC! 🧠